Brief check-in

For when you just have a quick question or minor schedule change to ask Ms. O
Regular check-in
Longer check-in

Senior Meeting

Meeting during the Fall of Senior year where we review next steps in pursuing your post high school pathway. This could be reviewing the college application process, transcript request process, enlisting in the military, scholarships, and other information.

Junior Meeting (student-only)

Junior meeting where we discuss your post high school pathways. If you want a parent to join us for this meeting, you need to email Ms. Ohlson so she invites your parent. It's a good idea to make sure your parent is available to join us before telling me they should. :)

Junior Meeting with parent(s)/guardian(s)

This is a meeting for students AND THEIR PARENTS in their junior year where we discuss your current plans for post high school options. This can include how to search for post high school educational institutions, financial aid, and more.